
    What is the milk ejecting reflex?

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    The milk ejection reflex is caused by combined neurogenic and hormonal reflexes that release oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland. The combined action of prolactin and oxytocin causes the excretion of milk. Lactation can be defined as the process of milk secretion by the mammary glands of the woman after childbirth.

    The oxytocin reflex is sometimes called the “milk ejection reflex” or “letdown reflex.” prolactin is produced slower when compared to oxytocin, where oxytocin is produced faster than prolactin. It empties the milk already in the breast for the continuous need of breastfeeding and helps the baby to suckle easily.

    The letdown reflex

    The breast milk flow causes the milk ejection reflex. When the baby sucks at the breast, the small nerves are stimulated. The two hormones which are released in the bloodstream are prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin helps with milk production, while oxytocin stimulates the breast to produce milk. The milk is then released or drained through the nipple.

    Some women experience the crying reflex as tingling or fullness in their chests, others feel nothing in their chests.
    change in the baby’s sucking pattern as the milk begins to flow, from small, shallow streams to firmer, slower streams are noticed by most lactating mothers.

    Some women also notice that when milk is sucked or expressed from one breast, milk leaks out of the other.

    To ensure good lactation, the descent reflex must be developed and maintained. This reflex is apparent unless you have trouble breastfeeding.

    When does it occur?

    • In response to the baby’s suckling Hear, see, or think about your child with the breast pump, expressing or touching the breast or nipples with the hand
    • Look at the photo of your baby
    • Hearing a baby (or another baby) cry.
    • The flush reflex usually occurs 2 or 3 times per meal. Most women only experience the former, if at all. This reflex is not always constant, especially in the beginning, but after a few weeks of regular breastfeeding or pumping, it becomes an automatic response.

    The teardrop reflex can also occur with other breast stimulation, for example by a partner.

    Strategies stimulate

    The weakness reflex can be affected by stress, pain, and fatigue. There are many things to try if you are having trouble.

    • Make sure your baby is latched correctly. A well-attached baby breastfeeds best.
    • If feeding or pumping in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable environment.
    • Try different methods of relaxation: soothing music, a hot shower or a warm towel on your chest, slow, deep breathing, or a neck and shoulder massage.
    • Gently pull and massage breasts before breastfeeding.
    • Look at your child and think of them.
    • When you are away from the child, look at his picture.
    • Always keep a glass of water nearby.

    Milk delivery can be quite sudden, especially at the beginning of a meal. This rapid flow of milk can upset your baby, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re giving too much milk. You can remedy this by expressing yourself before breastfeeding, leaning back slightly, and burping your baby after the first few minutes. If you’re still having trouble, ask for advice.

    letdown reflex signs

    If you are breastfeeding and your breasts are expressing breast milk, you may notice the following signs of the moan reflex

    • Tingling: You may feel a tingling or warm feeling in your breasts.
    • Leaking: You may see breast milk dripping or squirting from a breast that your baby is not breastfeeding.
    • Swallowing: You can hear your baby gulping and gulping milk.
    • Dripping: You can see the milk dripping from the baby’s mouth.
    • Cramps: Especially in the first few weeks after childbirth, uterine contractions similar to menstrual cramps can occur.
    • Weight Gain: Your baby is gaining weight, has at least 6-8 wet diapers a day, and seems content after feedings.

    You may also notice signs of milk leakage if you are not breastfeeding or expressing your milk. Disappointment can come quickly and unexpectedly when you’re breastfeeding, hearing your baby cry, during a hot shower, or during sexual activity.

    What is the feeling of a letdown?

    Breast milk is repeatedly lost during breastfeeding. The first version is usually the only one that catches the eye. When the milk is spilled you may hear: 2

    • Burning
    • Needles and needles
    • Pressure
    • Tingling
    • Heat
    • It can be a little uncomfortable or even slightly painful. The sensations are very strong in some women, while others feel nothing.

    Not feeling letdown by milk

    I can’t smell a drop of milk Not feeling your milk flow doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong. You may never notice it, or you may feel it for the first few weeks and then less and less over time. As long as you see signs that your baby is getting enough breast milk and growing well, you don’t need to worry.

    If you do not feel the milk flow or if you no longer feel it and you do not have any of the symptoms listed above, your milk supply may of course below.

    If so, consult your doctor or a lactation consultant and take your baby to the pediatrician to make sure he is gaining weight.

    Oxytocin and the profession

    The hormone oxytocin is associated with love and bonding. Your body releases it during labor, breastfeeding your baby, and sex. This hormone can induce feelings of calm, serenity, and relaxation.

    Oxytocin also causes muscle contractions that help the uterus return to its normal size after childbirth. Because of this, you may experience uterine contractions in the first few weeks after birth as your milk drops. These uterine contractions are a good sign that breastfeeding is going well. Other effects of oxytocin that may occur while breastfeeding may include:

    • Headache
    • Hot flashes
    • Nausea and Vomiting
    • Night sweats
    • Drowsiness
    • Thirst
    • Possible error problems

    The nursing reflex does not always work perfectly. It can be hyperactive, slow, fast, painful, and difficult. Difficulties with the crying reflex can lead to breastfeeding problems.

    At each feeding your child can only remove a small amount of milk from your breasts, your production of breast milk will go down which can cause a decrease in your breast milk supply

    Difficult or slow in Let-Down

    There are a number of causes for a slow or difficult let-down. Many things lead to a delay in the let-down of milk.

    Possible Causes which lead to slow letdown access to Alcohol, drinking Caffeine, Cold temperatures, Exhaustion, Embarrassment, Pain, Previous breast surgery, Smoking, Stress
    It can be frustrating to a hungry newborn child when your breast milk releases slowly in case of that, Your newborn may cry, bite down on your breast, or refuse the breast altogether. Here are some tips for slow or difficult milk flow:

    • Pump or express some milk before each meal to stimulate the bowel reflex.
    • When the milk starts to flow, put the baby in your breast.
    • Place a warm compress on the breast a few minutes before breastfeeding.
    • Gently massaging the breast can also help, before and during breastfeeding.
    • Breastfeed or pump in a quiet place free of distractions.
    • Try to sit or be in a comfortable position. Use a nursing pillow and footrest to breastfeed, try to relax, take deep breaths, and focus on your baby.
    • Ask your doctor about taking pain relievers like Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin (ibuprofen) if you have pain.
    • can also try supplements for breastfeeding.
    • Don’t overdo it on coffee and soda.
    • should eat a balanced and proper diet, and drink enough fluids to stay hydrated.
    • Avoid alcohol and do not smoke.
    • Remember to breastfeed long enough at each meal as it may take a few minutes for the milk to come out.

    If your baby falls asleep at the breast or stops breastfeeding before going out, she may not be getting enough milk. It can also cause breasts to be full, which can lead to painful breast problems (such as swollen or blocked milk ducts).

    The painful rejection reflex

    The milk ejection reflex is painful sometimes. Hard, swollen breasts, sore nipples, excess breast milk, and thrush are common breastfeeding issues known to cause sore nipples.

    Other pains can be associated with uterine contractions, which can be intense and very uncomfortable, especially in the first week after the baby is born. A painful fall can make breastfeeding uncomfortable and lead to less frequent breastfeeding, low lactation levels, and early weaning. Here’s what you can do when you experience a painful disappointment: 6

    Treats sore nipples, swollen breasts, or excess breast milk.

    • Call your doctor if you think you have thrush.
    • Ask your doctor if you can take painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

    Strong or overactive reflex

    A strong or overactive ejection reflex causes excessive milk flow from the breast. You may notice your baby tearing and gagging at your breast. You may also see your milk spurting or dripping profusely from your breasts.

    Mothers with heavy milk supply and rapid milk flow often also have an overproduction of milk.

    If you have severe or overactive weakness, your baby may choke, choke, and cough when feeding. Your baby can gulp a lot of air when swallowing breast milk and has trouble keeping up with the rapid flow.

    Breathing in all that air can cause bloating and confusion. The baby can also gain weight very quickly and show signs of colic. You can help slow the flow.

    • Before starting feeding breastmilk express some milk out.
    • Put the baby to the breast when the first flow of milk has stopped and the flow of milk slows down.
    • Try the relaxed feeding position. Lie down and place your baby on top of you so they suckle against gravity. This breastfeeding position can help slow the flow of milk and make breastfeeding easier for your baby.
    • Burp your baby during and after each feed to expel any swallowed air.
    • Try to breastfeed on one side every time you breastfeed.
    • Wean your baby from the breast if your baby begins to choke or choke.
    • Remove more milk with a breast pump or breast pump and then try breastfeeding again.
    • Treatment of excessive lactation.

    How to handle unexpected interruptions while feeding or trying to feed

    Until you and your baby are comfortable with breastfeeding, many feelings and thoughts can trigger your cry reflex. Leaky breasts can be annoying, but they should stop once breastfeeding is established.

    In the meantime, you can breastfeed regularly, squeeze your breast hard at the first sensation of leakage, use nursing pads, and wear clothing that hides milk stains.


    Milk ejection is a common but understudied condition in breastfeeding mothers that is often confused with other postpartum disorders. Emotional and physical symptoms can help differentiate D-MER from other disorders and should be considered for the effective management of the condition. Preliminary studies demonstrate the involvement of different hormonal, neurobiological, and psychological mechanisms in the pathology of D-MER and pave the way for future research to understand the overlap between the different mechanisms and to propose evidence-based prevention and treatment protocols.

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